Here you can find the latest news about Nemus and its projects. You can also view and download our newsletter, press releases and project reports.

NEMUS takes part in the third cycle of River Basin Management Plans in Bulgaria
NEMUS has just won yet another international tender promoted by the World Bank and is about to start its first project in Bulgaria. The project aims to update the data on the national groundwater – which will be done by …

Nemus co-organizes workshop in Johannesburg within SADC Disaster Risk Reduction Programme
During the week of 20 to 24 of January 2020 a workshop was held in the city of Johannesburg to present and discuss the projects within SADC’s (Southern African Development Community) “Strengthening the disaster risk reduction coordination, planning and policy …

Nemus is awarded two new international projects within SADC Disaster Risk Reduction Programme
Nemus was awarded two new projects in an international bid for the SADC (Southern African Development Community) within the “Building Disaster Resilience to Natural Hazards in Sub-Saharan African Regions, Countries and Communities” Programme. The projects are under the Programme’s result …

Nemus strengthens presence in Zambia with new project
Nemus was recently awarded another project in Zambia to develop a Conservation Plan for the Lukanga Swamps and Upper Kafue Basin under the Zambia Mining and Environmental Remediation and Improvement Project (ZMERIP). The Plan is being developed for the Zambia …

Nemus at the IX Congress on Planning and Management of Coastal Areas
Nemus recently participated in the IX Congress on Planning and Management of Coastal Areas of Portuguese Speaking Countries, presenting four communications regarding the sustainable development of coastal areas. The event’s main theme was “The Challenges for the Next Decade: Monitoring …

Nemus holds Workshop and Focus Groups on Lake Tanganyika, Zambia
Nemus recently held a workshop and several focus groups as part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment for Small-scale Fish Farming on Lake Tanganyika in the Mpulungu and Nsama Districts of Northern Zambia Province. The workshop and focus groups took place …

Nemus’ New Project in Lake Tanganyika, Zambia
Nemus was recently awarded yet another important project on the African continent, this time in Zambia, for the Strategic Environmental Assessment for Small Scale Cage Fish Farming in Lake Tanganyika in Mpulungu and Nsama Districts – Northern Province, for the …

International article publication by Nemus collaborator, Carlos César Jesus
Nemus congratulates its collaborator Carlos César Jesus for the recent publication of the article “Understanding Constraints and Triggering Factors of Landslides: Regional and Local Perspectives on a Drainage Basin” in the international journal Geosciences, published by MDPI (Switzerland). This publication …

ESIA and RAP for Lake Malawi Water Supply Project
Nemus recently won another two relevant projects in Malawi for the Lilongwe Water Board, the entity responsible for providing drinking water to the capital of Malawi. These new projects, the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and the Resettlement Action Plan …

Nemus awarded in PT Global Water Awards 2017
On 7th November, Nemus was honored by the PT Global Water Awards with the “R + D + I” award (transnational initiatives for Research, Development and / or Innovation) for the development of an innovative project for Hydrogeological and Numerical …