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EIA to improve accessibility in the Furnas region of Azores
The development by Nemus of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Improvement Project of the Accessibility to the town of Povoação in the São Miguel island, for the Tourism and Transport Regional Secretariat of Azores, is currently underway. The …

Socioeconomic surveys of protected areas in Mozambique
Last February saw the beginning of the socioeconomic surveys of the protected areas of Mozambique, implemented by Nemus under the MozBio project, which is financed by the World Bank. The consolidation and restructuring program for the Nature Conservation Areas – …

Nemus’ new project in Latin America: Hydrogeological Modelling of the Costa Rican Central Valley
Last February in San José, Nemus signed a new contract with SENARA, the institute which regulates the exploitation of groundwater in Costa Rica. It refers to a project to optimize groundwater exploitation in the Central Valley area of Costa Rica, …

More plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050
According to a new study published by the World Economic Forum and Ellen MacArthur Foundation, with support from McKinsey & Company, applying circular economy principles to the global plastic packaging industry could completely transform the plastics economy and drastically reduce …

Renewable energy leading the way
In its annual market report, the International Energy Agency (IEA) announced that over the next four years renewable energies will represent the largest single source of electricity growth. This is largely due to declining generation costs and an aggressive expansion …

EU report reveals greenhouse gas emissions in Europe decreased by 23%
According to a report published on 20th October by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), the European Union is on track to meet and even surpass its 2020 target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20%. The EEA report reveals that …

Out of Office Auto Reply nr.7
On Halloween’s eve, Nemus’ team brings many different ideas for everyone. “The photo exhibition Post Code: A2053N has finally arrived in Lisbon! The press photographer Pepe Brix went aboard a Portuguese cod fish vessel and photographed these fishermen lives in …

Out of Office Auto Reply nr.6
This weekend the clocks in Portugal will go back one hour to UTC0. The sunset will be earlier from Sunday on, but this will be a full 49 hours weekend to have a nice rest… or to be filled with …

Major coral bleaching event in 2015-1026
For the first time in History, scientists were able to predict a coral bleaching event, according to a publication on – partner to the University of Queensland, Australia. Coral bleaching is a sudden event of coral reefs death that …

EC publishes midterm evaluation report about the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020
On the 5th October 2015, the European Commission published the Mid-term review of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020, assessing the state of implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2011-2020, now that we are mid-way to the deadline. This European …