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Workshops for the REDD+ programme in Mozambique
The Beta/Nemus consortium recently held several provincial workshops and a final seminar regarding the institutional and legal analysis for the implementation of the REDD + programme in Mozambique. This latest campaign lasted two weeks, in which several interviews, meetings, workshops …

Nemus in 1st Specialized Conference on Ecology, Management and River Restoration in Salvador, Brazil
On July 28 (Tuesday), Nemus made a presentation on “The importance of river restoration scenarios within the update of the São Francisco river basin management plan for 2016-2025” on the first Specialized Conference on Ecology, Management and River Restoration in …

REDD+ International Workshop
Nemus was invited to participate in the workshop on integrated and jurisdictional management of landscapes organized by the REDD+ Technical Unit, in coordination with the World Bank, to be held on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of July 2015 at …

Conclusion of the social involvement diagnosis for the river basin management plan of the São Francisco, Brazil
The social involvement diagnosis for the new river basin management plan of the São Francisco was recently finished by Nemus and it was an astonishing success. The most visible part of this phase that lasted for four months, was the …

Out of Office Auto Reply nr.5
Please read our new and good suggestions for this weekend, by an unexpected duo: the longest lasting member of the team and the most recent one. “The 32nd Theatre Festival of Almada continues during this weekend: a good opportunity to …

Out of Office Auto Reply nr.3
The cultural suggestions section of Nemus’ team has more ideas to share. Read this week’s texts and see what our two colleagues suggest. “One of these days marks the beginning of the blue week which brings together dozens of initiatives …

Implementation of the REDD+ Strategy in Mozambique
Now officially underway is the project assigned to the NEMUS/BETA consortium, entitled “Preparation of Legal and Institutional Framework for the Implementation of the National Strategy REDD+ in Mozambique (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation)” for FUNAB – Fundo do …

Out of Office Auto Reply nr.2
The most recent cultural suggestions by Nemus’ team has some new ideas to share. Read this week’s texts and see what two of the team’s biologists suggest. “And how about getting to know some Portuguese-speaking countries without leaving Lisbon? The …

FAO report highlights water shortage by 2050
Last April, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations released a report titled ‘Towards a Water and Food Secure Future’, at the VII World Water Forum, held in Daegu, South Korea, from 12 to 17 April. According to …