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Out of Office: Auto Reply nr.1
The new section of cultural suggestions by Nemus’ team. We asked two colleagues for some ideas and ended up with a handful of them. “Regarding the international museums day (18 May) and the long night of museums (16 May), there …

Nemus participated in IAIA 2015 in Florence
Nemus participated in the 35th International Association for Impact Assessment’s annual conference (IAIA15) which took place between the 20th and 23rd of April 2015 in Florence, Italy. This year’s theme ‘Impact Assessment in the Digital Era’ aims to advance a …

Living well within the limits of the planet
The current use of natural resources in Europe has improved considerably in recent years but recent data shows that it is still far from achieving the goals of the 7th Environment Action Programme established by the European Environment Agency (EEA). …

2015 – The International Year of Soils
The 68th United Nations’ General Assembly has declared the 5th of December as the official World Soil Day and 2015 as the International Year of Soils. The main objective of this initiative is to promote the fundamental role that soils …

Nemus’ excellence acknowledged once again
On the 26th of January Nemus was once more awarded the PME Excellence Status 2014 by the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI). This award is given to small and medium-sized enterprises that present the best economic and financial performance …

Water at the top of global threats list
Nemus’ path as a company is closely connected to water. Water resources were, since its founding in 1997, the area of expertise of the company, which began as an environmental consultant. The company grew and its journey did not stop …

A new generation of Shoreline Management Plans with contribution by Nemus, Portugal
The Nemus/Consulmar consortium, led by Nemus, won 1 of the 3 tenders issued by the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), in June 2014, for the development of the Cape Espichel-Odeceixe Shoreline Management Plan. The work already under development includes a diverse …

New River Basin Management Plan for Sao Francisco river, Brazil
Nemus won the international tender to update the River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) for the Sao Francisco river (Brazil). This river is almost 3.000 km long and is one of the most important rivers in Brazil and also in South America. …

Nemus’ new image
Nemus began 2014 with a bold goal: renew the corporate image of the company that has been producing studies for over 15 years, but that is still dynamic, daring, and each day more multidisciplinary and international. Nemus’ constant preoccupation with …

2nd Brazilian Congress on Impact Assessment
Nemus attended the 2nd Brazilian Impact Assessment Congress, which took place between the 13th and the 18th October, in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The company was represented by Pedro Bettencourt (CEO) and Maria Grade (Senior Environmental Engineer) who did …