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Ecology course for the Brazilian petrochemical company Braskem
The Ecology course which Nemus organized for the Brazilian petrochemical company Braskem took place between the 6th and 10th October. The training consisted of theoretical, practical and evaluation modules, as requested to Nemus by the department of health, safety and …

Nemus begins two new studies in Malawi
After a first stage of selection of companies for a short list of six candidates (in May 2014), Nemus made it to the top of the list and won another international tender for two works in Malawi, that are sponsored …

New book by Sofia de Melo Gomes
The book “Roman occupation in the Alqueva watershed: from the Ajuda bridge to the old Mourão bridge – A proposal of landscape reconstruction”, coordinated by Sofia de Melo Gomes (archaeologist who has been working in Nemus since 2004), was recently …

Nemus presents new Biology works in Alqueva
Nemus was invited by EDIA – the entity responsible for the Alqueva dam, the largest artificial lake in Europe – to present its most recent study on this area, which has a high international relevance on an environmental, agricultural and economical level. …

Environmental Impact Assessment to the expansion of the Port of Sines completed
The port of Sines – situated on the West coast of Portugal – is the busiest national port in what comes to cargo handling (around 29 million T in 2012, equivalent to 553 thousand TEU). Its location (in line with the …

Public consultation marks the final steps of the Environmental Impact Assessment of the Ressano Garcia gas power station (Mozambique)
The Environmental Impact Assessment of the Ressano Garcia gas power station (Mozambique) that Nemus and its local partner Beta have been developing is now entering its final stage, which will be marked by the 2nd session of public consultation, to …

Nemus at the 12th Water Congress
Nemus attended the 12th Water Congress (Lisbon, March 2014) where it was represented by its CEO, Dr. Pedro Bettencourt, who was invited by the organization to participate in a round table about “Water resources: what future do we want?”, to comment …

2nd Consultation on the River Basin Management Plan for Madeira Archipelago
Consortium led by NEMUS promoted, on February 4, another public participation session on the River Basin Management Plan for Madeira Archipelago River Basin District. At the session, chaired by the Hon. Regional Director for Land Planning and Environment, Eng. João Correia, Dr. …

Nemus strengthens its presence in Brazil
About two months after starting the Salvador-Itaparica bridge assessment the ConsortiumNEMUS/V&S Ambiental is awarded a new project in Salvador, this time for the companies Odebrecht Properties Parcerias and Construtora Norberto Odebrecht. Odebrecht Properties Parcerias and Construtora Norberto Odebrecht were authorized …

Nemus enters the Brazilian market with the Assessment of Salvador – Itaparica Bridge
The Consortium NEMUS / V&S Ambiental (a company from Salvador) won the international tender for the preparation of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and environmental impact (Rima) report for the implementation of the Salvador-Itaparica bridge, over Todos os Santos Bay. The bridge …