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Pedro Bettencourt elected Vice-President of APRH
Pedro Bettencourt, NEMUS’ Director-General, was elected Vice-President of the Portuguese Water Resources Association (APRH), for the biennium 2012/2013. The election was held in APRH’s General Assembly, which took place last February 7, while the 11th Water Congress, in Porto Palácio …

Approval of the Port Waste Reception and Handling Plan for Madeira Ports
In late December, Madeira Port Authority (APRAM) approved the Port Waste Reception and Handling Plan for Madeira Ports, developed byNEMUS under Decree-Law N.º 165/2003, of July 24 (and subsequent amendments). The plan covers all ports of Madeira under management of APRAM, including …

NEMUS takes part in the discussion about the integrated development of the coastline of South Maputo
On the 25th of November, NEMUS participated in the technical meeting about the Special Development Plan of Ka Tembe, promoted by Maputo Sul, E.P., to which several Mozambican entities were invited. Delegates and representatives of the Municipal Council of Maputo City, Government …

NEMUS presents the EIA of the Project of the new bridge over the Zambezi river in Tete, Mozambique
NEMUS, together with the Mozambican companyBETA (a company participated by the BETARgroup) has recently finished the Environmental Impact Assessment of the new bridge over the Zambezi River between the town and the town of Tete Benga in Mozambique, whose Public Consultation took …

EDP Environmental Flow Regime in new phase of fieldwork
NEMUS has been collaborating with EDP since 2009 in determining ecological maintenance schemes for the Vilar, Caldeirão, Açude de Trinta, Fronhas and Raiva dams. In October, a new phase of fieldwork was developed. The objective was to develop habitat preference curves for the …

Public Participation of Southern Portugal River Basin Management Plans
Consortia led by NEMUS recently concluded the drafting of the River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) for the regions south of the River Tagus. The documents are now being subjected to Public Participation, a step of the utmost relevance to the consolidation of …

Development of the coastline of South Maputo in discussion
Life on the coastline of South Maputo will never be the same. That is the promise implicit in the set of investments planned for the region, coordinated by Maputo Sul, E.P.. The Project “Maputo/Ka Tembe/Ponta do Ouro” intends to build …

NEMUS present in the organization of the 6th International Congress on Planning and Management of Coastal Areas in Portuguese-speaking Countries
Pedro Bettencourt, NEMUS’ Director General, chaired the Organizing Committee of the 6th International Congress on Planning and Management of Coastal Areas in Portuguese-speaking countries, which took place between 6 and April 8, 2011 on the Island of Boa Vista (Cape …

National Prize of Landscape Architecture awarded to NEMUS workers
NEMUS’ team, led by its General Director, Dr. Pedro Bettencourt, and six co-workers (Elisabete Teixeira, Sónia Alcobia, Emanuel Viçoso, Sara Nisa, Margarida Monteiro, Rui Mendes) has won, jointly with the team of Architects from ‘ARPAS, Arquitectos Paisagistas Associados, Lda.’ and …

NEMUS takes part in the elaboration of the portuguese National Water Plan 2010
On July 26, was signed the contract for NEMUS’s participation in the portuguese National Water Plan 2010 (PNA 2010). For the elaboration of PNA 2010 were identified seven work areas, called: Strategic Themes; therefore, NEMUS will prepare the Strategic Theme 1, which includes: Knowledge, Training, …