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(PT) Consultas públicas para o Estudo de Impacto Ambiental Simplificado do Projecto de construção das pontes sobre os rios Catipusse e Muagamula, na província de Cabo Delgado
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Public Meetings for ESIA Draft Report Presentation – Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Lake Malawi Water Supply Project for Lilongwe City
Lilongwe Water Board intends to implement the Lake Malawi Water Supply Project for Lilongwe City in order to tackle current water supply limitations, and, hence, sustain reliable water supply services to its customers. The project will also expand access to …
(PT) Consultas públicas para o Estudo de Impacto Ambiental do Projecto de Expansão da Capacidade do Terminal Graneleiro da Matola/STEMA
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(PT) Consultas públicas para o Estudo de Impacto Ambiental do Projecto de Expansão da Capacidade do Terminal Graneleiro da Matola/STEMA
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(PT) Consultas públicas para o Plano de Acção para o Reassentamento do Projecto de Reabilitação da Estrada de Nacala
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(PT) Consultas públicas para o Estudo de Impacto Ambiental do Projecto de Reabilitação da Estrada de Nacala
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Public Consultations for Resettlement Action Plan for the Raising and Rehabilitation of Kamuzu Dam I – Lilongwe, Malawi
The public consultations for the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) assigned to Nemus by the Lilongwe Water Board for the Raising and Rehabilitation of Kamuzu Dam I were announced. Two public meetings will be held for the presentation of the RAP. All contributions from stakeholders during …
Public Consultations for ESIA for the Raising and Rehabilitation of Kamuzu Dam I – Lilongwe, Malawi
The public consultations for the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) assigned to Nemus by the Lilongwe Water Board for the Raising and Rehabilitation of Kamuzu Dam I were announced. Three public meetings will be held for the presentation of …
Release of Public Consultations Calendar for the RBMP-SF
On 11 February, the Executive Board of the Watershed Committee of the São Francisco River met with Nemus to set the dates for the public consultations and thematic workshops of the new River Basin Management Plan for the São Francisco …
Environmental Impact Assessment of the new Power Station in Ressano Garcia, Mozambique
Environmental Impact Assessment of the new Power Station in Ressano Garcia: Environmental Impact Assessment report for public consultation. The environmental assessment focuses on the construction of a gas based thermal power station in the industrial zone of Ressano Garcia, in Maputo’s …