NEMUS awarded the 2012 SME Excellence Status by Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI)
NEMUS has been recognized by the Portuguese Ministry of Economy and Employment as a “SME Excellence 2012”, a distinction only available to “SME Leader” companies.
This status differentiates small and medium companies that have solid financial ratios and profitability above the national average, which have successfully maintained high standards in a particularly competitive and demanding context and that are overcoming the crisis with growth, consolidation of results, assets and contributions in creating wealth and employment in the regions where they operate.
SME Excellence status was created by IAPMEI(agency for competitiveness and innovation) in order to mark, through an instrument of reputation, the merits of small and medium-sized enterprises with superior performance profiles, and counts on the partnership of the Portuguese Tourism Institute and major banks operating in the market, namely Banco Espírito Santo, BPI, Barclays, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Crédito Agrícola, Millennium BCP, Montepio and Santander Totta.