The objective for this Environmental Strategy Assessment of the project to rehabilitate and improvethe Formosa coastal lagoon was to identify opportunities for environmental protection and sustainable development. This is a vast coastal lagoon area in south Portugal (circa 19 thousand hectares), with a high environmental and landscape sensitivity and livelihoods based on its natural resources.
The study resulted in a series of recommendations and the identification of the necessary management measures to comply with the environmental legislation and turn the area into a benchmark of sustainability. A variety of actions were recommended, like the protection of the coastal strip, the conservation of nature, landscape and riverside enhancement and increasing the value of Formosa’s coastal lagoon’s resources.
It is in this multidisciplinary work that Nemus’ specific know-how excels. It has been applied to enrich a variety of coastal areas, as for example a similar assessment done the same year for the Polis Coastal Society for the Aveiro coastal lagoon.