A set of megaprojects concerning the offshore production of oil and gas, and related infrastructures, has result in a series of significant transformations in the Santos Basin Region of Brazil. The assignment consisted in carrying out a cumulative impact assessment (CIA) of the Petrobras’ oil and gas offshore production (from the pre-salt layer) activities of the coast of Brazil.
The CIA included an integrated analysis of the impacts from the main stressors (human actions and activities, natural, environmental and social events, independent of the origin / responsibility / typology of the activity) on environmental and social factors selected over time in the project’s area of influence, for the identification of the accumulation and synergistic interaction between them.
The area of influence covers a coastal area of more than 10.000 km2 and a population of almost 13 million people, comprising 26 counties from the State of São Paulo (SP) and the State of Rio de Janeiro (RJ). In total, the assignment includes the development of 4 CIAs:
• CIA of the Metropolitan Area of Baixada Santista;
• CIA of the North Coast of the State of São Paulo;
• CIA of the South Coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro;
• CIA of the Guanabara Bay and Maricá.