Impact Evaluation of World Bank funded APL2 Program
Nemus, in collaboration with its sister company, NEMUS África, signed this week a contract with the National Road Administration of Mozambique (ANE), in order to carry out the Impact Evaluation of the Adaptive Program Loans (APL) 2 program, financed by the World Bank.
This program falls within the Government of Mozambique’s purpose to improve the country’s primary road network, a vast and important network that enables, on average, the mobilization of more than 2000 vehicles per day and in which over 600 km of roads have been rehabilitated.
The main objective of the consulting services is to evaluate the impacts that the roads’ rehabilitation and maintenance have on the improvement of the population’s life conditions, namely in the improvement of the access to public services (education, health, transports, etc.), in the improvement of the access to markets, and also to evaluate the impacts associated with job creation and development of local commerce.
The development of this study represents an important contribution to Mozambique’s road sector, in that it will highlight the real investment impacts of what has been done so far and it will allow for a greater knowledge of the current situation and of the sector’s future investment necessities.